Retrieve SBDI occurrence data via the "occurrence download" web service. At least one of taxon, wkt, or fq must be supplied for a valid query.

  email = sbdi_config()$email,
  download_reason_id = sbdi_config()$download_reason_id,
  verbose = sbdi_config()$verbose,
  record_count_only = FALSE,
  use_layer_names = TRUE,
  use_data_table = TRUE



string: (optional) query of the form field:value (e.g. "genus:Macropus") or a free text search (e.g. "macropodidae"). Note that a free-text search is equivalent to specifying the "text" field (i.e. taxon="Alaba" is equivalent to taxon="text:Alaba". The text field is populated with the taxon name along with a handful of other commonly-used fields, and so just specifying your target taxon (e.g. taxon="Alaba vibex") will probably work. However, for reliable results it is recommended to use a specific field where possible (see sbdi_fields("occurrence_indexed") for valid fields). It is also good practice to quote the taxon name if it contains multiple words, for example taxon="taxon_name:\"Alaba vibex\""


string: (optional) a WKT (well-known text) string providing a spatial polygon within which to search, e.g. "POLYGON((140 -37,151 -37,151 -26,140.131 -26,140 -37))"


string: (optional) character string or vector of strings, specifying filters to be applied to the original query. These are of the form "INDEXEDFIELD:VALUE" e.g. "kingdom:Fungi". See sbdi_fields("occurrence_indexed", as_is=TRUE) for all the fields that are queryable. NOTE that fq matches are case-sensitive, but sometimes the entries in the fields are not consistent in terms of case (e.g. kingdom names "Fungi" and "Plantae" but "ANIMALIA"). fq matches are ANDed by default (e.g. c("field1:abc","field2:def") will match records that have field1 value "abc" and field2 value "def"). To obtain OR behavior, use the form c("field1:abc OR field2:def"). See e.g. for more information about filter queries


string vector: (optional) a vector of field names to return. Note that the columns of the returned data frame are not guaranteed to retain the ordering of the field names given here. If not specified, a default list of fields will be returned. See sbdi_fields("occurrence_stored"). Field names can be passed as full names (e.g. "Radiation - lowest period (Bio22)") rather than id ("el871"). Use fields="all" to include all available fields.


string vector: (optional) a vector of field names to include in addition to those specified in fields. This is useful if you would like the default list of fields (i.e. when fields parameter is not specified) plus some additional extras. See sbdi_fields("occurrence_stored",as_is=TRUE) for valid field names. Field names can be passed as full names (e.g. "Radiation - lowest period (Bio22)") rather than id ("el871"). Use extra="all" to include all available fields.


string vector: (optional) list of record issues to include in the download. Use qa="all" to include all available issues, or qa="none" to include none. Otherwise see sbdi_fields("assertions",as_is=TRUE) for valid values


logical: not implemented in SBDI


(required) string: the email address of the user performing the download [default is set by sbdi_config()]


logical: not implemented in SBDI




numeric or string: (required unless record_count_only is TRUE) a reason code for the download, either as a numeric ID (currently 0--11) or a string (see sbdi_reasons for a list of valid ID codes and names). The download_reason_id can be passed directly to this function, or alternatively set using sbdi_config(download_reason_id=...)


string: (optional) user-supplied description of the reason for the download. Providing this information is optional but will help the SBDI to better support users by building a better understanding of user communities and their data requests


logical: show additional progress information? [default is set by sbdi_config()]


logical: if TRUE, return just the count of records that would be downloaded, but don't download them. Note that the record count is always re-retrieved from the SBDI, regardless of the caching settings. If a cached copy of this query exists on the local machine, the actual data set size may therefore differ from this record count.


logical: if TRUE, layer names will be used as layer column names in the returned data frame (e.g. "watsonianViceCounties"). Otherwise, layer id value will be used for layer column names (e.g. "cl10009")


logical: if TRUE, attempt to read the data.csv file using the fread function from the data.table package. Requires data.table to be available. If this fails with an error or warning, or if use_data_table is FALSE, then read.table will be used (which may be slower)


Data frame of occurrence results, with one row per occurrence record. The columns of the dataframe will depend on the requested fields


See also

sbdi_reasons for download reasons; sbdi_config


if (FALSE) { x <- occurrences(taxon="genus:Accipiter", fields=c("species","longitude","latitude","common_name","rank","rights"), download_reason_id=10) ## download records in polygon, with no quality assertion information mellan_sve <- "POLYGON((16.551 60.760,18.836 59.801,17.606 58.860,16.199 58.540, 12.244 58.494,12.772 61.523,16.551 60.760))" x <- occurrences(taxon="genus:Accipiter", wkt=mellan_sve, download_reason_id=10, qa="none", verbose = TRUE) y <- occurrences(taxon="taxon_name:%22Accipiter gentilis%22", wkt=mellan_sve, fields=c("latitude","longitude", "family", "collector", "rights"), download_reason_id=10) str(y) ## other filtered searches fq_str<-pick_filter("resource") z <- occurrences(taxon="genus:Accipiter", fields=c("latitude","longitude","rights"), wkt=mellan_sve, fq=fq_str, # e.g. c( "institution_uid:in3", "cl10097:Uppsala"), #fq=c( "collection_uid:co3"), ## Artportalen data collection #fq=c( "data_resource_uid:dr5"), ## Artportalen data resource qa="none", download_reason_id=10) occurrence_plot(z) }