A data.frame is returned as grid cells by species with values in each cell being the number of occurrences of each species. No null (all zero) species should be returned. The coordinates returned are the TOP-LEFT corner of the grid cell.
sites_by_species( taxon, wkt, gridsize = 0.1, SPdata.frame = FALSE, verbose = sbdi_config()$verbose )
taxon | string: the identifier to get the species data from the sbdi biocache.
E.g. "genus:Accipiter". See |
wkt | string: Bounding area in Well Known Text (WKT) format. E.g. "POLYGON((-3 56,-4 56,-4 57,-3 57,-3 56))". |
gridsize | numeric: size of output grid cells in decimal degrees. E.g. 0.1 (=~10km) |
SPdata.frame | logical: should the output be returned as a SpatialPointsDataFrame of the sp package? |
verbose | logical: show additional progress information? [default is set by sbdi_config()] |
A dataframe or a SpatialPointsDataFrame containing the species by
sites data. Columns will include longitude, latitude, and each species present.
Values for species are record counts (i.e. number of recorded occurrences of
that taxon in each grid cell). The guid
attribute of the data frame gives
the guids of the species (columns) as a named character vector
Associated web services: https://spatial.biodiversitydata.se/ws/capabilities see PointsToGrid/sitesBySpecies
if (FALSE) { # Eagles in southern Sweden based on a 0.1 degree grid ss <- sites_by_species(taxon="genus:Accipiter", wkt="POLYGON((11.94 55.13, 11.97 58.60, 17.90 58.58, 17.87 55.11, 11.94 55.13))", gridsize=0.1, verbose=TRUE) head(ss[,1:6]) ## get the guid of the first species (which is the third column of the data frame, since the ## first two columns are longitude and latitude) attr(ss,"guid")[1] }