Interactive plotly plot of environmental variables and species occurrence data.
WARNING: This function is under development and its functionality is limited
Makes a search using occurrences
and plots environmental variables
associated with species presence against each other. Alternatively, makes a
search using occurrences
and plots species occurrence data e.g
frequencies against environmental variables. Note that there is a limit of
500000 records per request when using method="indexed"
. Use the
for larger requests. For small requests,
likely to be faster.
scatterplot(taxon, ...)
taxon | string: (optional) query of the form field:value (e.g. "genus:Macropus")
or a free text search (e.g. "macropodidae"). Note that a free-text search is
equivalent to specifying the "text" field (i.e. |
... | : other options passed to occurrences() |
Data frame of occurrence results, with one row per occurrence record. The columns of the dataframe will depend on the requested fields. The data frame is plotted with ggplot and output stored as pdf, an interactive ggplot using plotly is displayed on-screen.
Associated SBDI web service for record counts: https://api.biodiversitydata.se/#ws3
Associated SBDI web service for occurrence downloads: https://api.biodiversitydata.se/#ws4
Field definitions: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjNtzhUIIHeNdHhtcFVSM09qZ3c3N3ItUnBBc09TbHc
WKT reference: http://www.geoapi.org/3.0/javadoc/org/opengis/referencing/doc-files/WKT.html
for download reasons; sbdi_config
if (FALSE) { scatterplot(taxon="Ectocarpus siliculosus", download_reason_id=10) }