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To download data from the selected atlas, one must construct a query. This query tells the atlas API what data to download and return, as well as how it should be filtered. Using `sbdi_call()` allows you to build a piped query to download data, in the same way that you would wrangle data with `dplyr` and the `tidyverse`.

`sbdi_call()` is a wrapper to a group of underlying `request_` functions in the `galah` package. Each of these functions can begin a piped query and end with `collapse()`, `compute()` or `collect()`.

The underlying `request_` #' functions are useful because they allow `sbdi4r2` and `galah` to separate different types of requests to perform better. For example, `filter.data_request` translates filters in R to `solr`, whereas `filter.metadata_request` searches using a search term.

For more details see the object-oriented programming vignette: vignette("object_oriented_programming", package = "galah")


sbdi_call(method = c("data", "metadata", "files"), type, ...)



string: what `request` function should be called. Should be one of `"data"` (default), `"metadata"` or `"files"`


string: what form of data should be returned? Acceptable values are specified by the corresponding `request` function


Zero or more arguments to alter a query. See 'details'.


Each sub-function returns a different object class: `request_data()` returns `data_request`. `request_metadata` returns `metadata_request`, `request_files()` returns `files_request`.


Each atlas has several types of data that can be chosen. Currently supported are `"occurrences"` (the default), and `"species"` (and `"media"` only for ALA). It is also possible to use `type = "occurrences-count"` and `type = "species-count"`; but in practice this is synonymous with `sbdi_call() |> count()`, and is therefore only practically useful for debugging (via `collapse()` and `compute()`).

Other named arguments are supported via `...`. In practice, functions with a `sbdi_` prefix (and `galah_` for that matter) and S3 methods ported from `dplyr` assign information to the correct slots internally. Overwriting these with user-defined alternatives is possible, but not advised. Accepted arguments are:

- `filter` (accepts `sbdi_filter()` or filter()) - `select` (accepts `sbdi_select()` or select) - `group_by` (accepts `sbdi_group_by()` or group_by()) - `identify` (accepts `sbdi_identify()` or identify()) - `geolocate` (accepts `sbdi_geolocate()`, `sbdi_polygon()` `sbdi_bbox()` or st_crop()) - `limit` (accepts slice_head()) - `doi` (accepts a sting listing a valid DOI, specific to `collect()` when `type = "doi"`)

Unrecognised names are ignored by `collect()` and related functions.

See also

[collapse.data_request()], [compute.data_request()], [collect.data_request()]


if (FALSE) {
# Begin your query with `sbdi_call()`, then pipe using `%>%` or `|>`

# Get number of records of *Aves* from 2001 to 2004 by year
sbdi_call() |>
  sbdi_identify("Aves") |>
  sbdi_filter(year > 2000 & year < 2005) |>
  sbdi_group_by(year) |>

# Get information for all species in *Cacatuidae* family
sbdi_call() |>
  sbdi_identify("Cacatuidae") |>

# Download records of genus *Eolophus* from 2001 to 2004
sbdi_config(email = "")

sbdi_call() |>
  sbdi_identify("Eolophus") |>
  sbdi_filter(year > 2000 & year < 2005) |>
