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Restrict results to those from a specified area using `sbdi_geolocate()`. Areas can be specified as either polygons or bounding boxes, depending on `type`. Alternatively, users can call the underlying functions directly via `sbdi_bbox()` or `sbdi_polygon()`. Finally, it is possible to use `sf` syntax by calling `st_crop()`, which is synonymous with `sbdi_polygon()`.


sbdi_geolocate(..., type = c("polygon", "bbox"))





a single `sf` object, WKT string or shapefile. Bounding boxes can be supplied as a `tibble`/`data.frame` or a `bbox`


`string`: one of `c("polygon", "bbox")`. Defaults to `"polygon"`. If `type = "polygon"`, a multipolygon will be built via [sbdi_polygon()]. If `type = "bbox"`, a multipolygon will be built via [sbdi_bbox()]. The multipolygon is used to narrow a query to the ALA.


length-1 string (class `character`) containing a multipolygon WKT string representing the area provided.


If calling `sbdi_geolocate()`, the default `type` is `"polygon"`, which narrows queries to within an area supplied as a `POLYGON`. Polygons must be specified as either an `sf` object, a 'well-known text' (WKT) string, or a shapefile. Shapefiles must be simple to be accepted by the ALA. Alternatively, set `type = "bbox"` to narrow queries to within a bounding box. Bounding boxes can be extracted from a supplied `sf` object or a shapefile. A bounding box can also be supplied as a `bbox` object (via `sf::st_bbox()`) or a `tibble`/`data.frame`.

If `type = "polygon"`, WKT strings longer than 10000 characters and `sf` objects with more than 500 vertices will not be accepted by the ALA. Some polygons may need to be simplified. If `type = "bbox"`, sf objects and shapefiles will be converted to a bounding box to query the ALA.


if (FALSE) {
# Search for records within a polygon using a shapefile
location <- sf::st_read("path/to/shapefile.shp")
sbdi_call() |>
  sbdi_identify("vulpes") |>
  sbdi_geolocate(location) |>

# Search for records within the bounding box of a shapefile
location <- sf::st_read("path/to/shapefile.shp")
sbdi_call() |>
  sbdi_identify("vulpes") |>
  sbdi_geolocate(location, type = "bbox") |>

# Search for records within a polygon using an `sf` object
location <- "POLYGON((142.3 -29.0,142.7 -29.1,142.7 -29.4,142.3 -29.0))" |>
sbdi_call() |>
  sbdi_identify("reptilia") |>
  sbdi_polygon(location) |>

# Alternatively, we can use `st_crop()` as a synonym for `sbdi_polygon()`.
# Hence the above example can be rewritten as:
request_data() |>
  identify("reptilia") |>
  st_crop(location) |>
  count() |>

# Search for records using a Well-known Text string (WKT)
wkt <- "POLYGON((142.3 -29.0,142.7 -29.1,142.7 -29.4,142.3 -29.0))"
sbdi_call() |>
  sbdi_identify("vulpes") |>
  sbdi_geolocate(wkt) |>

# Search for records within the bounding box extracted from an `sf` object
location <- "POLYGON((142.3 -29.0,142.7 -29.1,142.7 -29.4,142.3 -29.0))" |>
sbdi_call() |>
  sbdi_identify("vulpes") |>
  sbdi_geolocate(location, type = "bbox") |>

# Search for records using a bounding box of coordinates
b_box <- sf::st_bbox(c(xmin = 143, xmax = 148, ymin = -29, ymax = -28),
                     crs = sf::st_crs("WGS84"))
sbdi_call() |>
  sbdi_identify("reptilia") |>
  sbdi_geolocate(b_box, type = "bbox") |>

# Search for records using a bounding box in a `tibble` or `data.frame`
b_box <- tibble::tibble(xmin = 148, ymin = -29, xmax = 143, ymax = -21)
sbdi_call() |>
  sbdi_identify("vulpes") |>
  sbdi_geolocate(b_box, type = "bbox") |>